Mosaics and Doodles/Paintings > Peace Signs

Yellow and Blue Peace Sign 10 inches
Yellow and Blue
Dish Tiles and glass circles
10 inches

This is such a pretty peace sign created using vintage dishes belonging to family members. Once truly loved and used, now becomes mosaic art to love once more.

Bright and colorful! Perfect for anyone, any room, any time of year, all year long.

A big blue glass half circle is the focal point and that's where it started. I really love the color combination here - it could fit nicely in any room in your home.

Grouted in white. I left the sides and back alone after initially painting it with white primer before I started putting these hand cut vintage dish tiles on. I like how the white grout and the white around the edges blend well together. You can see some of the original MDF peaking through in spots that somehow enhances the look for me. I hope you feel that way as well.

A saw tooth hook is attached as well a felt pad to protect the wall from scratches. Signed and dated.

Celebrate the gift of peace!

Indoor use only.