Collage Making
Since January 2025, I've started my journey into making collage art. I am making my own collage papers, using a Gelli Plate, paper towels with paint on them, different thicknesses of paper using paint and stencils, tissue paper with asemic writing, my doodles and adding a bit of acrylic paint usually in circles, here and there.
I have a section here where I've shared to date the 100 Days of One Collage a Day:…Eventually there will be collage art on canvas for sale. I'll post that information when it happens!
This new journey is very exciting. I will always make mosaics but now that I've been at them for 20 years, my hands are a little tired from the labor intensive workout. Making collage papers and using them in art is much easier on them.
Enjoy the journey!
My Room
I have added so much art to my room, I thought it might be fun to see it altogether in a video but my handheld device won't do video any longer after more than a few tumbles to the floor. And so, here is a collage of some cool art that I have made. We call my room "the gallery". I like that. I could only get 10 shots in the collage but this gives you an idea of what I see every day. Pretty nifty, huh?
Mugs, Pillows and Tote Bags are available here!
I've been busy adding mugs, pillows and tote bags in my doodle designs here on my website. At the moment there are 5 designs available in all 3 options. Go have a look!
I made some blank art books
I made some glue bound books to do some art in. I can tell there is room for improvement in making them but I'm happy it's fairly easy to do. The best part about making them this way; if I don't like how the art turned out, I can pull it out without much trouble. I'm hoping, as I get better at book making, to sell little books with art in them. It's good to have goals, don't you think?!
This book is the same size as some small art cards I've been working on for quite some time. I glued one on the front. These are a good size 3.5 inches; I'm fairly sure I'll make a few books this size for doodling in.
You can see more photos on Instagram.
Feeling a vibe
Feeling a vibe and channeling my inner Laurel Burch, an artist I've admired for years. I wasn't aware of it, but since I'm sitting next to a scarf with her art on it while I doodle, I think it was only a matter of time. This photo shows the alcohol spray and salt I added while still wet. #laurelburchinspired #doodleartist #iseecats #vibingwithart
Doodles on Canvas
I'm not sure where I'll be putting these canvas pieces I've worked on. I am hoping to add a hook in twine or ribbon on the back for hanging but meanwhile, they look pretty nifty right here.
Glass-On-Glass Mosaic is finished
Finished and ready to rest. It gets a pre-grout treatment in a day or two and then will rest again until that is completely dry. Then I can grout! 🥳
Glass-on-Glass Mosaic - Work-in-progress
Welcome to the creative mess I call the Purple Palace.
At this time, I'm working on a panel that will have a hanging apparatus attached once completed so it can be placed in a window.
Scrap glass can be the most rewarding for me when I create glass-on-glass mosaics because it blends all together in a cohesive manner without really trying. I take the pieces that fit and glue them next to the piece already glued and keep going until I run out of room. No real plan except for some of the bigger pieces that are placed ahead of time happens here.
This might become available for purchase once completed. If interested, send me a message through the Contact button.
Enjoy your week.
Cindy aka EarthMotherMosaics
10.17.2023Fun with tins
I'm making mosaics on everything these days. I've saved Altoids tins for years knowing one day I'd figure out art for them. I've seen polymer clay on them and I've seen them painted. But I knew I could put a mosaic on them and I'm fairly sure a few mosaic artists have done this before. It's not easy to get the grout clean but it's well worth the effort to try. I put a D-ring on this and it's hanging nicely on my wall.
Fun stuff!
Facebook News
I've been having a lot of problems with my page for quite some time. This photo shows you what I get every time I try to sign into my page. It takes a lot to post photos if I can even get into the page and I'm becoming frustrated with it all. My decision is to slowly fade out the FB page. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone. Meanwhile, if you want to still see my art on FB, you are welcome to send me a friend request because along with family photos I share my art there too. If you don't want to commit to that kind of relationship, believe me I understand, keep this website link handy. As I fade out and close the door by the end of the year, I will share news and updates (possibly a new online shop??) on here. Thank you all for following my page and commenting over the years. I am filled with gratitude.
Work In Progress
Getting ready to start the day with a mosaic in progress. Looking for the right colors in green for leaves can sometimes be a challenge but not impossible. The search continues. 🙂 #stainedglassart #mosaics #stainedglassleaves
Something I've been meaning to share ...
March 30 – Nice words – I have to say I didn't know how to do this one but I want to thank all of those who have read my attempt of March's Meet the Maker each day and taking some time to comment on them if they feel the need. There are nice words floating around in the review area on the old marketplace and still can be seen if you'd like to read them. As an example, the last review on the site: "I received my beautiful Flamingo Crescent Moon yesterday. It is so cool and even prettier in real life. If you hold it under light, the colors change. The shop owner is a pleasure to deal with. It was very securely packaged, and included a lovely handmade card. The thing I probably love the most is the tiny peace symbol on the bottom of the moon. I will definitely be returning to this shop." Nice words!! #nicewords #marchmeetthemaker #mosaicartist
From my private collection
Today is the end of March. I managed to complete all 31 days of a daily challenge called March Meet the Maker. I posted on 3 social media platforms, Instagram, Facebook (on my page) and Twitter. If you'd like to read them, scroll on through any of those sites to find them. There are a few I'm going to feature here next week because they were cathartic.
The photo here shows the recent work I've done for my private collection (not the flower on the right --- that's been with me a while). The top one is basically an abstract using glass I love that looked like clouds. It took shape on it's own after that. Measures 4-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches.
The bottom two on the left are from photos I've taken quite a few years ago and finally made them into mosaics.
The middle one is of a hawk sitting in the bare tree branches. "Always Watching" is in stained glass of black and grey making it monochromatic. Measures 5 x 7 inches.
The bottom one entitled "Bubbles", I've used stained glass, dish tiles, glass gems and broken jewelry. Also measures 5 x 7 inches. The photo, taken maybe in 2013 of my grandson making him about 6 years old, is a treasured memory for me. My goodness ... time really does fly!
Enjoy the journey,
03/31/2023Changes Are Happening Weekly Here
I'm still trying to figure out how I want things to look here on my website. I think I've got it decided. I think ...
Similar to the mosaics I make, as seen in the photo, I don't plan a whole lot ahead of time but mostly go with the flow intuitively.
The Online Store is where you'll find mosaics for sale. Simple!
I did have them set up differently; similar to where I used to have an online shop. However, this is new and should have a new look.
There is only one photo each of the items for sale, with the exception of the Gazing Ball which has 3. If you want to see more photos of anything here, please send me a request and I'll gladly provide you with more information.
The best part is, you can see each item distinctly, not all clumped together and harder to find what you're looking for. This is a visual site. I like that. I'm hoping this will be easier for those customers who know what they've seen before and want to find it again.
Meanwhile, there's always something brewing in the Purple Palace Art Studio, so come back often.
I'm still weaning myself from the old shop to my dedicated website. Please be patient with me. I guesstimate I'll be completely set up in the beginning summer months.
So take a look around and see what's in the Online Store.
Thank you for hanging in there while I get things situated. You are awesome customers and supporters. I appreciate you very much.
Enjoy the journey,
02/22/2023Welcome to my World - About Me
About Me (the goofy one grinning in the photo):
My alter ego, EarthMotherMosaics makes handmade mosaics, home decor and art. My muse and I have been making mosaics for over 16 years and am self-taught. Bohemian and hippie inspired art is what I love to create. Celestial Designs are a specialty.
Starting out slowly in 2005 by giving mosaic gifts I had made, I eventually found what materials I liked, how I liked to use them and what tools were my favorite. My design preferences involve suns, crescent moons, sparkly stars and swirls or wavy lines of intense color used in an abstract way. Geometric shapes of stained glass and mirror are used to create what I call scrap art. When using dish tiles or shards my style can be associated with folk art.
Art has always been a part of my life. Growing up in a river town in New Jersey in the late 60's early 70's only a small bridge away from New Hope, PA, I had the pleasure of walking over the bridge of the Delaware River daily into a whole universe of creativity. The smells of the water and fish from the river, strawberry incense and Hendrix guitar licks wafting through the head shop just off of the bridge into town is my most distinct memory. As a teenager, I found the psychedelic posters and trippy music within the store a favorite place to go. At the time I didn't realize that everything has an energy to it but even as a young teenager I felt an electric spark that would stay with me forever during those early years. I felt at home walking along the street gazing at all the shops filled with abstract paintings, pottery, being so close to theatre, coffee houses, restaurants with live jazz bands and boutiques of all kinds. These were my people! An energy never lost by the muse who guides me now was made throughout those early years.
My mosaics are often made using small scrap pieces of stained glass and recycled mirror. Pieces of broken dishes and mugs are used giving them new life. Discarded wine and beer bottles become bottle art that shine and glow when placed in a window or near a lamp. Microwave plates become sun catchers filled with color. Broken pieces of jewelry, buttons, seashells, rocks and stones get placed in my work and are often focal points.
Take a look through the Online Store and see what you can find that speaks to you.
Enjoy the journey.