Art By Earth Mother Mosaics

Intuitive Visual Arts Artist
Artisanal Contemporary Mosaics
Mixed Media
Doodle Art Enthusiast

I've been making mosaics now since 2005 when I broke a beloved dish belonging to a set owned by my Grandmother handed down to me after she passed away. I searched online to see what I could do with a broken dish and found mosaics. It's been a wonderful journey and I'm still learning.

A lot of me goes into every piece I work on. Nurturing my art allows the art to nurture me. I'm proud of my work and would love everyone to find the same joy I feel when playing with my mosaic muse.

I find inspiration in nature. The colors of fall are my favorite to use when I mosaic with stained glass.

Should you find something you're interested in purchasing, you can do that from here directly through PayPal. Just click on the price and it'll take you there!

Have a question about anything? Use the Contact button here and ask away.

Thank you for taking the time to have a look around. Come back soon, there's always more to add!

May you enjoy the journey,
July 2024